Sami Awad
Holy Land Trust
Sami Awad is a Palestinian and the Founder of Holy Land Trust, an organization committed to peace, justice and equality for all in the Holy Land. At a young age he was influenced by the teachings of his uncle Mubarak Awad, the Palestinian activist who promoted nonviolent resistance to the Israeli military occupation and was forcefully deported for this.Sami has engaged himself globally in the fields of nonviolence training, healing collective trauma, and personal transformation work. He is one of several voices bringing the growing field psychedelics into spaces of political conflict and engaging in collective trauma healing and visioning work. This includes facilitating joint spaces for Palestinians and Israelis.Sami Awad holds an Honorary Doctoral Degree in Divinity from the Chicago Theological Seminary, a Masters Degree in International Relations from the American University in Washington D.C. and an undergraduate degree in Political Science from the University of Kansas.