Mary Cosimano
Johns Hopkins Center for Psychedelic Research
Director Of Guide Services
Mary Cosimano, LMSW, is currently with the Department of Psychiatry at the Johns Hopkins University as the Director of Guide Services for the Center for Psychedelic and Consciousness Research (CPCR) and has served as study guide and research coordinator for the psilocybin studies for 22 years. During that time, she has been a session guide, involved with all the psilocybin studies and has conducted close to 500 study sessions. She has trained post doctorate fellows, research assistants and interns as assistant guides. In addition to her work with the psilocybin studies, she has been involved in the Club Drug studies with Salvia Divinorum and Dextromethorphan. She taught individual and group meditation to breast cancer patients in a Johns Hopkins research study and teaches at California Institute to Integral Studies (CIIS) for their Psychedelic-Assisted Therapies and Research program (CPTR) and conducts trainings for therapists in psychedelic psychotherapy. In 2003 she started and maintained a meditation group for employees in her department. She also has 15 years of experience with direct patient care as a hospice volunteer.