Psychedelic Science 2023

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Couples therapy and psychedelic-assisted therapy


Couples therapy and psychedelic-assisted therapy

Prior to MDMA being made illegal, one of its main therapeutic uses was with couples. Case reports, retrospective accounts, and qualitative descriptions have highlighted its therapeutic potential for couples, including improved communication and heightened empathy. After 30 years of pause, the first therapeutic MDMA couples study in this new wave of psychedelic research has been conducted, and two others are underway. Dr. Anne Wagner and Dr. Michael Mithoefer, investigators for the first MDMA-assisted couples therapy trial (the pilot trial of Cognitive Behavioral Conjoint Therapy for PTSD with MDMA) and investigators on the current randomized trial of CBCT+MDMA at Remedy Institute, will be joined by Dr. Chandra Khalifian and Dr. Kayla Knopp of VA San Diego, home to a pilot trial of brief CBCT+MDMA, to discuss their current trials and learnings from the original pilot trial.

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