Psychedelic Science 2023

Be Part of

        the Breakthrough

Presented by

Valerie Beltran
Zendo Project
Valerie Beltrán is the administrative director of Zendo project, as well as a therapist who walks a mystical path with grounded feet while integrating psychedelics, technology, and spirituality in her private practice. Having grown up with two ethnic backgrounds while living on the border between two countries, Valerie is adept at metaphorically walking between worlds, seeing from multiple perspectives, and creating bridges and integration where separation previously reigned. Valerie was formerly the Chief of Staff for an eco-tech entrepreneur, Head of Operations for the conscious tech startup Consciousness Hacking, a trauma trainer and consultant with WestEd, an Academic advisor at JFKU, and Associate Organizer for the Integral Theory Conference. She completed CIIS’s Psychedelic-Assisted Therapy & Research program in 2019, and has been a supervisor at Alchemy Therapy since 2020, a sliding scale clinic that offers psychotherapy and psychedelic-assisted therapy to underserved communities in the Bay Area. She is inspired everyday by the people of Zendo Project, and is honored to serve among them.