Psychedelic Science 2023

Be Part of

        the Breakthrough

Presented by

Kylea Taylor
Changa Institute
Kylea Taylor, M.S., LMFT (CA MFC #34901) developed and now teaches InnerEthics®, a self-reflective, self-compassionate approach to ethical relationships for therapists and practitioners. She wrote The Ethics of Caring: Finding Right Relationship with Clients and has been writing and teaching about ethics for three decades. In ordinary coaching or therapy, it is relatively easy to remember ethical guidelines, codes and laws. Yet when we are sitting for people who are experiencing extra-ordinary states of consciousness, the intensity often requires the additional ethical alertness of self-inquiry. InnerEthics® Awareness Tools help us gently identify motivations, fears, biases, conflicts of interest, and ethically precarious relational situations before these result in behaviors that might compromise a client’s healing or expansion.

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