Psychedelic Science 2023

Be Part of

        the Breakthrough

Presented by

Jim Hopper
Harvard University
Independent Consultant is a nationally recognized consultant, trainer and speaker. ”My research and work as a consultant have helped therapists, police officers, prosecutors, judges, senior military commanders and higher education administrators to better understand and respond to victims of child abuse and sexual assault. I am most often sought for my expertise on, and on the unique experiences and needs of or sexual assault. I also train and consult on how meditation and other contemplative practices can transform to bring healing and genuine happiness, and am co-editor of (Guilford Press, 2015). I was a founding board member of, a national non-profit devoted to serving men who’ve had unwanted or abusive sexual experiences, and wrote most of the content on 1in6’s comprehensive web site. Since 2018, I have been a therapist and sub-investigator at the Boston site of the FDA-approved and MAPS-sponsored phase 3 trial of I’m committed to educating the public through this website, my with Psychology Today, my YouTube, and media engagements. I enjoy conversations with thoughtful journalists and have been quoted in national media, including The New York Times, Washington Post, Associated Press, Economist, ABC News, USA Today, PBS and NPR, and featured on radio and television, including CNN and Finally, I am a Teaching Associate in Psychology in the Department of Psychiatry of Harvard Medical School, and a consultant to the Outpatient Addictions Service of the Cambridge Health Alliance.”

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