Psychedelic Science 2023

Be Part of

        the Breakthrough

Presented by

Jeannie Moller Fontana
TREAT California
Frontier Wave Surfer
Jeannie is a frontier wave surfer, riding the edge of human knowledge and the unknown. She works to apply novel therapeutic paradigms to the millions suffering, first with ALS (Lou Gehrig’s disease) and now with the incredibly pervasive, devastating, and growing mental health crisis in our country. As founder and CEO of TREAT California, she seeks to harness the power of psychedelic medicines to bring forth the most impactful paradigm shift in mental healthcare in generations and expand the wellbeing of millions. She has served on the Boards of Trustees of well-established medical research institutes and founded several health and wellness nonprofit companies. Jeannie holds multiple advanced degrees and has been involved in driving the wildly successful California stem cell initiative. Using all of her experience, she is leading the charge to revolutionize mental healthcare, unlocking groundbreaking treatments that could vastly improve the lives of millions.