Psychedelic Science 2023

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        the Breakthrough

Presented by

Dawn D. Davis
Dawn D. Davis, M.A., is a tribal person belonging to the membership of the Shoshone-Bannock Tribes of Fort Hall, Idaho. She holds a master’s degree from the University of Arizona where she completed her research on potential sustainability practices of peyote within its native range. She continues to discuss endangerment levels of peyote and preservation efforts among peyotists. Dawn is currently a Ph.D. student in the Water Resources Program at the University of Idaho with an emphasis in Law, Management, and Policy. Current research includes sustainability of ethno-significant plants, particularly medicinal plants and first foods, in addition to small-scale food and energy security. Previous research has led her to review Tribal policy through active participation by Tribal members in natural resource management from an Indigenous and community perspective. Dawn is a current National Science Foundation fellow under the Integrated Graduate Education and Traineeship (IGERT) program. In addition, she is a scholar of the Indigenous Program for STEM (ISTEM) research, including collaborative research funding from the Pacific Northwest Alliance. ­Dawn is married to Dr. Cleve Davis, is a mother, and a micro-farmer.

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