Psychedelic Science 2023

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What Psychedelics Can Teach Us About Love


What Psychedelics Can Teach Us About Love

What can psychedelics teach us about love - why is it so important in non-ordinary states of consciousness? The reasons why it is taboo to speak about love in scientific research, in healing and psychedelic spaces. What is love? Maps of the landscapes of Love and ‘Not-love’ based on Taoist and Tantric philosophies, definitions of masculine and feminine forces in Nature; How these landscapes impact our inner ecology as psychedelic guides. The wounded feminine and our species wide life-death struggle is reflected in the climate crisis. How can psychedelic use bring us back into right relationship with our only life support system, the Earth? By honoring the core tenement of indigenous traditions that used psychedelics, we can learn how to love and support all of life. Guiding with love - creating the conditions necessary for psychedelics to become permanent transformative experiences. Presenting a guided experience of presence, choice and love.

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