Psychedelic Science 2023

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Psychedelics as The Great Disrupters: Reconstructing the Future of Mental Healthcare


Psychedelics as The Great Disrupters: Reconstructing the Future of Mental Healthcare

In this upcoming talk and Q&A, Dr. Ben Sessa will discuss how and why different psychedelics such as MDMA, ketamine and psilocybin - all of which have different neurobiological profiles and subjective psychological effects - actually have greater similarities than differences when used in a clinical setting. Underlying these similarities, Ben will describe the traumatic developmental roots of most chronic mental disorders, and will propose that psychedelics, used clinically, are emerging as 'great disrupters' of both traditional psychiatric categorical diagnostic systems, and providing a broad base new approach to treating all trauma-based disorders. With nearly two decades in psychedelic research, he will also be exploring the development of psychedelic medicalisation of recent years and some challenges that lie ahead for the newly emerging psychedelics healthcare industry.

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