Psychedelic Science 2023

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Psilocybin Mushrooms and their Tryptamines: Potential Medicines for Neurogeneration


Psilocybin Mushrooms and their Tryptamines: Potential Medicines for Neurogeneration

The recent upsurge in interest in psilocybin mushrooms by the scientific community is attributable to their long use in history, their widespread use today, and the increasing number of clinical studies validating psilocybin as a breakthrough medicine. What is not yet well elucidated is the efficacy of microdosing and the mechanisms of action for neurogenesis and neurogeneration. Paul will briefly speak of their historical use and then explore psilocybin's potential for neurological health based on our recent results on molecular modes of action our team has discovered. As co-founder of MycoMedica Life Sciences, PBC ( , which has raised $ 60 million, his team is well positioned for conducting clinical studies based, in part, on the 3 composition patents recently awarded to Paul on his psilocybin discoveries.

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