Psychedelic Science 2023

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Can modern psychedelic medicine take lessons from the plant medicine traditions?


Can modern psychedelic medicine take lessons from the plant medicine traditions?

As psychedelic medicine comes closer to being a reality we find that the psychedelic experience -so different from anything modern medicine is used to working with- presents us with a host of new practical, relational, ethical, economic and cultural challenges. On the other hand -and often on the other side of the world- there are a number of cultures and traditions that have been engaging with similar substances and similar challenges for hundreds of years. Can modern psychedelic medicine learn any lessons from these traditions? Jerónimo Mazarrasa will draw from his 20-year experience with a wide range of ayahuasca practices and traditions as well as a 10 year experience developing minimum safety standards and self-regulation protocols for facilitators working outside of the Amazon. To ascertain what indigenous people know, but science has forgotten, about working with the most powerful plants in the world.

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