Psychedelic Science 2023

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Assessing Syncretic Ayahuasca Practices Globally: Results from a multi-site cohort study of ayahuasca drinkers in non-tribal contexts


Assessing Syncretic Ayahuasca Practices Globally: Results from a multi-site cohort study of ayahuasca drinkers in non-tribal contexts

Ayahuasca is a psychoactive tea brewed from the Amazonian plants, Banisteriopsis caapi with either Psychotria viridis or Diplopterys cabrerana, with recent trials demonstrating promise in treating depression, managing grief, and improving overall well-being. In the last three decades, ritual ayahuasca use has expanded to most urban centers throughout the world, with hundreds of participants estimated to be taking ayahuasca every night in the United States for addressing anxiety and depression. More information is needed regarding the therapeutic impact of naturalistic ayahuasca use on behavioral health outcomes.

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