The fuel of the psychedelic movement is storytelling, and the anecdotes of those who have healed or whose lives have been powerfully transformed. A Ceremony of the Psychedelic Story invites some of the most stellar BIPOC luminaries and voices from the psychedelic community to present an offering of personal narrative to the altar of psychedelic story.

On Wednesday, June 21st, this ceremonial stage will be set as our sun ceremonially sets on summer solstice evening, celebrating our longest day of the year. For too many long years, BIPOC stories and voices have been marginalized to the outer spaces of our psychedelic movement. But on this solstice night, BIPOC stars will align at the center of this space, in the center of the week, in the center of our country, uniting the BIPOC community through story, across our continental divide.

Background and Overview
BIPOC voices and stories have too long existed at the margins of the current psychedelic renaissance and movement, however, this ceremonial space Invites diverse perspectives from the psychedelic community to present an offering of personal narrative to the altar of psychedelic story. All parts are welcome.

What: A Ceremony of the Psychedelic Story invites a group of diverse storytellers to bring an offering of personal narrative to the altar of psychedelic story. This is an intentional container for powerful BIPOC voices in the psychedelic space to share their stories of transformation. Personal shares will be formatted however the storyteller wishes, which may include short stories, poetry, song, spoken word, dance, or any other expression that might emerge.

Why: By sharing our stories, we are blueprinting what’s possible for each other. In creating this shared container, we are defining a new potential reality that holds diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging as central tenets, and helps others find their own unique stories and their place within it. All parts are welcome.

How: Stories will be formatted however the storyteller wishes which may include through short stories, poetry, song, spoken word, dance, or any other expression that might emerge. All parts are welcome

Hosts/MCs: Kwasi Adusei, Mareesa Stertz, Joseph McCowan, Mary Sanders

Confirmed storytellers:
Hanifa Nayo Washington, Deran Young, Rebecca Martinez, Sutton King, Ismail Ali, Nick Powers, Sara Reed, Belinda Eriacho, Jamilah R. George, Simran Sethi

Structure: (2 hours total) The stage will be structured with 1.5 hours of expressive storytelling, preceded and followed by a 10 introduction and 10 minute closing. We will have 7-9 speakers/storytellers. Each speaker will have 7-10 minutes to share their story.

Process: Preceding, following, and between the stories, the hosts will collaborate in weaving a poetic thread which will connect the various story offerings and form the container for the ceremony. Following our storyteller’s shares, the ceremony will invite the audience to offer their stories to one another.

Outcome: Belonging, empathy, connection, reverence for vulnerability. Open hearted shares from our speakers will help support open hearted shares from the audience with each other. A connection to stories and voices that have historically been at the margins of the psychedelic movement. Attendees will develop a new awareness, initiation, belief, and faith in the power of story and build their ability to connect with and share their own story.