Psychedelic Science 2023

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        the Breakthrough

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A Life of Science and Dreams: The Dawn of the Psychedelic Age


A Life of Science and Dreams: The Dawn of the Psychedelic Age

Amanda’s talk flows through the evolution of the upright position, which brough about a loss of blood in the brain, due to gravity. To compensate for this loss, the upright ape developed the ‘ego’ mechanism, based on the recognition of the word, to direct the diminished blood to where it was most needed. This is the basis of how Homo Sapiens became the dominant animal, which through the creation of the word, evolved into such a brilliant, but deeply flawed species, heading for catastrophe, if we don’t soon reconnect to Reality. Amanda explores how we developed ways of increasing the energy supply to our brain by endogenous techniques, such as yoga and breathing exercises, and external means such as psychoactive plants and fungi. In her talk, Amanda travels through the past, present and future of consciousness and psychedelic science, and the importance of the enhancement of consciousness for the continued evolution, and survival of Homo Sapiens. She will also present her new Double-Headed Research Programme which focuses on LSD, both on its underlying mechanisms and its potential applications, at full-dose and micro/mini doses.

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